This is a place to sit and relax and let the cares slide slowly from your shoulders
A place away from the stress and pressure
of everyday life......
At least that was what I planned when I started
redisigning the room
after my daughter got married!
I thought that I would like to show you around
the special things that make it special
BUT first of all
I wonder how many eagle eyes
noticed the rail in the ceiling and wondered.....
what on earth it was for........??!!
The week before my daughter got married
I asked hubby to put up a hook ready for.....
when we collected her wedding dress from Swansea
When we returned
that is what met our eye...
'wonderful is not the word.......!!'
I just put a throw over the chair.
The blue embroidered cushion cover is one that
I bought in Tenerife (Canary Islands)
several years ago...just because.........
The pink owl was made by one of my daughters
As you may have gathered I love blue
I feel it is so relaxing!
I added the set of 3 blue jugs that my mother in law left for me
On the other window sill I added some
blue glassware.
The sun shines through this window most of the day and I love the blue shades
that fill the room.
The blue glass vase I bought in a local pub which has lots of these sorts of things
The bottles are from a Welsh company
That makes natural mineral water...aren't they lovely?
The blue dish that I have included is actually for garlic bread and is made by SPODE
The bed does not have a real patchwork bedspread alas! Perhaps one day........?
I bought the crochet throw and pillow
reduced at a local store when they were on the sale.
They were made by Cath Kidston
The picture on the right is of Dale (a local seaside resort) and painted by a local artist.
The other is a long stitch tapestry that i did several years ago
This picture is painted by an incredibly talented local Japanese artist..Goichi..
It is one of his series of Biblical characters
This one is of Deborah
I feel so fortunate to have 2 of his paintings!
Further round the room we have a blanket chest made by hubby out of wood from one of our trees
I really must get round to sorting out the 'stuff' that I've shoved inside it!! It's so handy!
The jug has 'Burleigh Ironstone, Staffordshire, England' written under it
I bought it several years ago in a local store.
The table and coaster were, again,
made by hubby
from wood taken from trees on our farm.
My son and his wife brought this lovely bowl
back from Scotland for me
It's Campbeltown Pottery
(Near the Mull of Kintyre)
I hope that you have enjoyed the journey around this room
As you can see.........nearly every item
has a special meaning for me!
I always pray that each person who stays in this room
Finds some measure of...
I have linked with

and Beverley's PINK SATURDAY at
I have linked with
and Beverley's PINK SATURDAY at