Yesterday I was lucky enough
to spend the morning
with three of my grandsons.
I say 'lucky' because
it means
that I get the chance
to do things that otherwise......
I would probably not bother to do!!
We had intended to go to see the owls.
as the weather
wasn't to good it meant that the owls
would not be out flying
we decided to go to Scolton Manor.
A large Victorian country house
(that had been used as a convalescent hospital for servicemen during the second world war)
but now is the responsibility
of the Local Council.
I have to say that I was really impressed
as it had been a very long time
since I last visited
and it had certainly been
restored and dressed really well.
They, also, had spent a lot of time and effort
in thinking of ways
to entertain the children.
My grandsons certainly, were soon
holding clipboards and trying to find various
objects in the rooms
so that they could gain a prize!
There were also craft rooms for them to use
and several other ways where
we could have spent a lot of time...
and this was only inside!!
I have the feeling we will be visiting there again soon!
I think that we will leave it a few weeks yet
so that the ground can dry up
and we can take advantage.....
of the woodland walks etc.
What else has been happening?
Well, I have been bows under trying
to complete my fifth assignment for my degree course..
which has been extremely interesting....but....
caused me an inordinate amount
of stress!!
I had an extension,
as my health has been so poor,
and I have had to be backwards and forwards
to hospital so much that I lost a lot of time!
I only have one more assignment to do
in the middle of May...
and then the exam 7th of June.
I shall have to make a start on revising!
How did your Easter Holidays go?
We have had a lovely time
and spent quite a lot of it with some of the grandchildren.....always fun!
Apart from that
and too much chocolate
we haven't done much as I was busy studying!
I have done a certain amount of craft work
and posted some of it on my IG account.
I was trying a couple of pictures, from my iPad to show you, but it's just not happening.....sorry!
I have been so tired this last week that I usually
fall into bed and sleep.
I have managed
to read a Mills and Boon compendium of books..
under the title of.....
'A Bride for the Playboy Prince'
Sharon Kendrick, Sandra Martin and Maisy Yates.
somehow the title caught my eye.
After all... we have a Prince's wedding
happening in the UK
in the not too distant future.
You can't go far wrong with Mills and Boon
and this was
an enjoyable and easy read!!
I particularly
liked the last book where a wedding planner
had a very exciting time...
No....I'm not telling you any more!!
So ...those are the pictures
of Scolton Manor.
The paths along side the woods
were full of primroses...
really beautiful
I love the scent of primroses!
It's hard to see as the light was quite poor
but, interspersed with the yellow..
were some deep red..
and pink primroses......
Really lovely!
#millsandboon #abridefortheplayboyprince #netgalley